2103389739 51 Solonos, Academy, Athens ch.dimou11@gmail.com
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The lawyer
Charalambos Dimou & Associates - Law Firm - Athens Attica

Charalambos Dimos is a lawyer at the Supreme Court and the Council of State, with many years of experience and deep knowledge of the legal system. He has DSA registration number 27743 and is also a certified mediator by the Ministry of Justice, with registration number 1703. He completed his studies at the Law School of Komotini and holds a master's degree from Panteion University on "Law and European Integration", specializing in Criminal Right. He speaks English fluently.

Since 2006, Charalambos Dimos has been practicing martial law, with a constant presence in the courts, where he has handled numerous criminal and civil cases. Maintains a fully organized and staffed independent law office, which offers comprehensive legal services.

His experience includes specialization in bankruptcy law and consumer law, having undertaken hundreds of debt settlement cases for individuals and businesses, based on the Katseli Law (Law 3869/2010) and the new bankruptcy law (Law 4738/2020). In addition, he has served as a bankruptcy trustee and has undertaken the defense in important criminal cases, mainly with a financial subject.








With a passion for justice and dedication to his clients, Charalambos Dimos is at the forefront of criminal and civil hearings every day, offering high-level legal defense and guidance.
